Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Facebook Pages Trick How To Hide Manager In Page New (2013)

Facebook Pages Tricks For Free Learn facebook Pages Tricks Given Below.


1) First Make any New Email[ gmail only not any other ]
( Remember Email Should be Fresh
And Shouldn't be attached with
any Facebook Profile ).

2) Then Go To Your Page Admin Roles :- and Add The Email and
Save It as Manager of Your Page!
The Email will be added
Automatically But Not will be on
Screen ( Just Hidden ).

3) Now Lets Suppose Your Page
Got Hacked or Someone cheated
you! You Completely Lost Your
Page Admin AccessWhat To do
Now ??

4) Yes, Go to the Email there
should be Email From Facebook
About Your Invitation of That
Page Which You added Accept It
as Manager of Page, now Make
New FB account with that Email
and Go to Message there will be
invitation open it and You are
Now Manager!

5) make a fb id with that gmail id and reemove the crap out.

Enjoy. Trick :)
For More Tricks: Click Here

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