Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Things to do after changing the domain of the blog

Things to do after changing the domain of the blogMany blog start on free subdomain and when it grows we must take it to the next level.TO make it professional we must use professional domain.Some people use free domains like co.cc or tk or regional domains like .in and then shift to TLD(top level domain)

But when you change your domain,the major problem you face is the drop in traffic and visitors.ALL you have to do is a simple step to avoid Traffic loss

First change your custom domain in blogger or wordpress or the blogging server you useGo to your Old domain provider
Locate domain forwarding service
Use 301 redirection to your blog's new domain(In some domain registrar 301 redirection may be Path Forwarding)
Use URL Masking if you want to show old domain otherwise Dont use(RECOMMENDED:NOT TO USE)
After these steps you have to do a work to inform search engine that you have changed your domain.Follow the steps below
1.Go to GOOGLE webmastersAdd your new domain in the webmasters 2.Go to your old domain in webmasters 3.In settings(GEAR ICON) Go to CHANGE OF ADDRESS 4.Now select the new domain in the drop down box 5.Click submit
Now you have requested for address change and it takes 180 days for the google to crawl the new site.
Use fetch as google to submit your new site to webmasters
DON'T delete the index of previous domain and maintain you old domain and don't delete it.
After doing these,the thing you have to do is WAIT and maintain patience because you will experience a little drop in traffic but it will be back to normal
AND the domain forwarding doesn't takes place immediately,It will take some minutes even hours for working.So be careful and don't consider it as not working

:) Share The Knowledge :)

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