Friday, November 15, 2013

How to Hack wifi Password using Android Devices

how to hack wifi password using android
Wanna crack neighbor’s super fast wifi ? How to Hack wifi Password using Android devices They must have password protected internet connection otherwise you won’t be reading this post isn’t it ? Anonymous helps us it this manner byallowing monitor mode to Android devices to hack wi-fi passwords so no limitations needed around.
Cracking wi-fi password is really not good considering your using the services paid for by others. But this article, is an eye-opener that its really easy to crack wi-fi nowadays, using these gadgets. Hope internet providers will find a way to correct this. This is actually the reality happening. It is really on the discretion of the user.
Step 1:
The term Monitor mode provides you a facility to monitor every traffic going through your connection and how many devices are connected to it. But this mode can also be used for other purposes.
By Capturing Data Packets on a network in monitor mode lets you to crack WEP Key

Step 2:
Adding Monitor mode to Android Device you need to know the right chip-set and download that particular one from hereGoogle Code  Modified Firmware on particular chip-set used in majority of android devices i.e Nexus one & Galaxy S III .
Step 3:
Once you downloaded that particular code it would be easier and simpler to Extract the ZIP file then configure files after running the setup. There are many instructions and step by step guide for your specific android device on there officialblog.
Step 4:
 After it is done check out video tutorial to learn how to hack WEP Key.



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