Saturday, November 23, 2013

How To Youtube SEO Works Here Too Full Tutorial

How To Youtube SEO Works Here Too Full Tutorial How To Youtube SEO Full Tutorial
7 Steps.

Before uploading,change the name of the video to those of your keywords?
which should be in the title.
Your title is very important and you have 100 characters to work with.
Remember though that Google uses 70.So its best to stay within 70.

To help your Youtube SEO have keywords at the start of your title,so in my case ''Youtube SEO'' ,
then put a short and attractive description.i.e.
''7 Tips on How to get Your Youtube Video found''
When we created our video either to share a useful tip or for marketing purposes we wish to get it found.

Create a description of the Youtube Video and put the keywords in the description.
Depending How you've created your video.
If you've shot it impromptu,then you need to write the description up.
If on the other hand,you 've written what you want to write first then you can copy and paste it.
Youtube limit for description is 5.000 characters,including spaces,so that's about 800 words.

Have the keywords on the LHS of the description.
For on page Youtube Seo,this is a neat little tip.

Have the link that you wish the viewer to go as first line,
can use underscore to create a break
or=or++ all add emphasis to your link.

When uploading your video,Youtube will give you a link for your video.
Copy your Youtube link and put it towards the bottom of your description.

Have a call to action at the end of your video and 
at the end of your description,with a link.

So there you have Youtube Seo:7 Great Tips on how to get your youtube video found.
Thank you,

(Emi Haxor)

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